More Media Coverage for NMC Paper

Interested in learning more about the study on NMC nanomaterials and bacteria that was discussed in Monday’s post? We’ve had two more opportunities to discuss this Center for Sustainable Nanotechnology research with the media this week, and it’s pretty cool to see how each piece explains the work a little differently. Thank you to KARE 11‘s Jeff Edmonson and the Minnesota Daily‘s Keaton Schmitt for their reporting.

First, here’s a TV interview from Tuesday on Kare 11 news:

Screen Shot 2016-02-09 at 5.18.05 PM
Screen shot of graduate student Ian Gunsolus explaining the NMC research. CLICK HERE for full video (story starts at 0:23).

Second, the University of Minnesota’s newspaper, the Minnesota Daily, published an article  about the research today:

Screen shot from the Minnesota Daily home page. CLICK HERE to read the full story.

It was especially nice that the Daily article included a quote from Mimi Hang, co-first-author on the paper with Ian, who couldn’t appear in person for TV spots in Minnesota because she is at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

So, after three different examples of media coverage, do you feel like you understand something about this research study? What else would you like to know? Tell us in the comments, or on Facebook or Twitter!

UPDATE February 15: More coverage of the research can be found at Science DailyGreen Car Congress, and Watts Up With That.

UDATE February 17: New stories from and the American Chemical Society News Service

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